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CCS is an organisation that researches, develops or sources technology to be used in conferencing and provides for you a single source from which to choose a range of conferencing technologies to enhance the value of your conference.

Online Registration System

RegoDirect is an easy to design and use online registration system for conference and events at price you can afford. It provides a full event website supported by an online database accessible 24/7. Full payment options including realtime credit card processing through a secure banking gateway. For more information Click Here!

Streaming Media Services

Using interactive e-learning software we can provide the opportunity to record speakers, product launches and technical presentations. The material may be turned into a 3D presentation to be viewed singularly at your liesure or as part of a group webcast providing online interactive Q&A during or after the conference.  

Conduct you conference meetings by video conferencing for a more effective participation without the need to travel.

Interactive Data Capture

Employ the latest mobile technology and embrace the social media to enable your delegates or groups interactively and watch your conference come alive. Engage with the audience on a continuous basis by having them respond to presenter questions with instant feedback and collation of results.

Video Production

Produce video clips for your conference promotion and presentations or professionally record your keynote speakers for future reference by DVD, webcast or e-learning forum.